who am i?

hi! i'm parsa. i build things that create value for myself (and occassionally others)

LinkedIn Personal Website

tools i've built or am building

twitter insight engine

ai-powered insights for smarter content gen

how does this tool redefine content creation?

this tool marks a paradigm shift in content creation. by analyzing top-performing content, understanding its nuances, and leveraging LLMs, we're not just copying - we're learning, adapting, and evolving. it's about understanding the 'why' behind successful content and using that insight to fuel our own creativity.

what's the balance between inspiration and originality?

inspiration is the spark, but originality is the flame. this tool helps you identify what resonates with audiences, but the magic lies in how you transform these insights into something uniquely yours. it's not about replication, but about understanding patterns and principles that drive engagement.

how does AI amplify human creativity?

AI isn't replacing human creativity; it's augmenting it. by handling the heavy lifting of data analysis and pattern recognition, AI frees up our mental bandwidth for higher-level thinking. it's about using machines to enhance our uniquely human traits: intuition, empathy, and creative problem-solving.

what new skills does this approach demand?

this new era of content creation requires a blend of analytical and creative skills. you need to be able to interpret data, understand audience psychology, and still maintain your unique voice. it's about becoming a curator of ideas, a synthesizer of information, and a master of adaptation.

how does this change the content creation landscape?

we're moving from a world of gut feelings to data-driven creativity. this doesn't mean less creativity, but more informed creativity. it democratizes high-quality content creation, allowing creators to learn from the best and apply those lessons in their unique contexts. the future belongs to those who can blend data insights with creative intuition.

knowledge graph generator

interactive knowledge graphs based on user prompts

what is this tool?

this project is a Next.js application that generates interactive knowledge graphs based on user prompts. it utilizes OpenAI's GPT-3.5 or GPT-4 model to create detailed, hierarchical representations of various topics.

what are its key features?
  • Interactive knowledge graph generation using OpenAI's language models
  • Expandable nodes for deeper exploration of subtopics
  • Zoom, pan, and search functionality for easy navigation
  • Fullscreen mode for immersive viewing
  • Responsive design for various screen sizes
how does it work?

the application uses Cytoscape.js with the Dagre layout for graph visualization. it processes user prompts, sends requests to OpenAI's language model, and formats the response into a graph structure. the UI provides controls for zooming, searching, and expanding nodes for a rich, interactive experience.

how can it be customized?

you can customize the appearance and behavior of the graph by modifying the Cytoscape.js configuration. the styling options for nodes and edges can be adjusted to suit your preferences or specific use cases.

what's the potential impact of this tool?

this tool has the potential to revolutionize how we visualize and interact with complex information. it can enhance learning, research, and decision-making processes by providing intuitive, explorable representations of knowledge domains. as we navigate an increasingly complex world, tools like this can help us make sense of vast amounts of information and uncover hidden connections.